Sana Sathish Babu Foundation
Sana Sathish Babu standing image

Founder's Message

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”

                                                 – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

India is home to the World’s highest population. We at our Foundation wish there comes a day when we all can proudly call India as home to the World’s Most Prosperous Nation.

The idea of Making India as a World’s Most Prosperous country starts by investing in our future. And the Future of Our Country is Our Children and Youth. Our Youth can make our India as one of the Most Successful and Developed Nations of the World.

We strongly believe investing in our present youth and children especially in quality education, healthy lifestyle and fitness shall be very important for creating a Strong India in the future.
Our Foundation is deeply committed to serving the people, especially in providing them with a platform to realize their truest potential. When the Marginalized and weaker sections of the People get Opportunities to grow and evolve the Neighbourhood Develops and thereby the Society Prospers.
The Sana Sathish Babu Foundation shall undertake all possible efforts in serving the Society and making India a Poverty free, Peaceful and Prosperous Nation on the Planet.
Sarve Jana Sukhno Bhavantu.

– Sana Sathish Babu